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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Another zombie attack? Naked, bloody, screaming man gnawed woman's head after jumping from window

Naked, covered in his own blood and screaming "like an animal," a Doylestown man attacked a woman in Hawley on Friday and gnawed on her head after breaking into a home and jumping from a second-floor window, state police said.

Richard Cimino Jr., 20, first pulled his car behind 634 Hudson St. early Friday morning, got out and stripped to his underpants, state police said.

When the resident at that home awoke to Mr. Cimino's attempt to break in, Mr. Cimino fled to 521 Hudson St., took his underpants off on the way and broke into that home, which was empty, state police said.

Mr. Cimino walked up to the home's second floor, jumped out of a window and severely injured his arms and legs when he hit the ground, state police said.

Bleeding profusely, Mr. Cimino went through the home's garage, then approached two women walking down the street - Ann Monaghan and Nancy Dean-Corino, both of Hawley.

Mr. Cimino tackled Ms. Dean-Corino and, bleeding all over her, "began to gnaw" at her head, all while "screaming like an animal," according to a state police press release.

Read more here: Naked, bloody, screaming man gnawed woman's head after jumping from window