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Monday, August 12, 2013

'World War Z' Becomes Brad Pitt's Biggest Hit Of All Time

[ SOURCE ] Brad Pitt's "WORLD WAR Z" has now earned over $500 million at worldwide box office, making it the actor's highest grossing worldwide release, surpassing the star's "TROY" which grossed $497.3 million globally.

After setting a personal best with a $66 million opening on June 21, "WORLD WAR Z" has gone on to total $197.4 million in the U.S. The film delivered Pitt's highest grossing domestic release of all time (besting "MR. & MRS. SMITH's" total domestic gross of $186.3 million), and the biggest opening weekend of his career (beating "SMITH's" $50.3 million opener). The film has earned $305.2 million at the international box office, to date.