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Monday, May 19, 2014

Check out all 4 book in the Dead War Zombie Series, 99¢ each!

The Dead War Zombie Series!

If you like zombies this is a book series you need to check out! Horror and sci-fi meet military action as humanity battles for it's very survival, THE DEAD WAR ZOMBIE SERIES! Check out all 4 books.

These are the stories of those that caused The Dead War.

These are the stories of some trying to find a "cure".

These are the stories of some of those men and women that fought back.

These are the stories of those that are just trying to survive the nightmare of the walking dead.

The Dead War Zombie Series Book One. 99¢

In the year 2053 the dead walked. Mankind was caught off guard at first but within six years mounted a massive military assault on the dead.

One lone soldier must survive the night and fight his way through a city filled with the walking dead. He must do so to deliver a message to Army HQ that could save mankind and he just may be our only hope to win The Dead War.

The Dead War Zombie Series Book Two: Abomination 99¢

The walking dead can't run. The U.S. Army wont!

The battle against the dead continues. Sergeant Richards is back on a even more dangerous mission than before. This time he has help in the form of Sergeant Jackson and the Peacemakers. He will need it!

Richards and the others face a new and even more powerful enemy as they search for what they think can help end the war against the dead.

The Dead War Zombie Series Book Three: WAR. 99¢

Surprises galore as it's revealed who released the Beserker Virus and why.

The war between humanity, the dead, and now the vampires continue. As vampire kind launches an all out attack against The Rock, Sgt. Richards fights to protect a little girl who is mankind's last hope.

Will Richards save her? Will mankind survive? Find out in book three of The Dead War Series!

The Dead War Zombie Series: the Short Story Collection. 99¢

The living dead are back!

A collection of new short stories that take place in the Dead War Series Universe. Stories that help explain or add to the stories told in The Dead War Trilogy. These stories are about the early days of The Dead War. If you like zombies and those that kill them you will like this collection of short stories.

The Dead War Zombie Series: The Entire Collection!

Get the entire collection for just $2.99, a $1 savings!. All four books for in one volume!