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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Zombie movie Extinction to be released July 31, 2015

Amongst all the huge summer blockbusters a small zombie film is being released this weekend. Extinction, a zombie film starring Matthew Fox will see a limited release to theaters, and also be released on VOD on July 31, 2015. Check out the synopsis, cities where the movie is playing in theaters, and trailer below.

SYNOPSIS: Nine years after an infection turns most of the humanity into rabid creatures, Patrick, Jack and Lu, a nine-year-old girl, survive in seeming peace and calm in the forgotten snow-covered town of Harmony. We nonetheless sense that something terrible happened between Patrick and Jack because a deep hate keeps them apart. When the infected appear again, Patrick and Jack will have to leave behind all rancor to protect the one being who means more to them than anything else.

Use this link to see if Extinction is playing near you: Extinction Theaters is the US

Watch the trailer.