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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Actor IronE Singleton of the death of TDog his character on The Walking Dead

[ SOURCE ] IronE Singleton, who played T-Dog, he calls watching the final episode "bittersweet."

"I am totally and completely satisfied with how the show ran. I think that the show was a success of a brilliant team of individuals, everybody coming together doing their part. ... It's not my call to really say that I wanted more or less or anything like that. I'm just so pleased to have been part of something so special, so historical," said Singleton in a conference call with journalists.

"I had no idea I was going to go out so heroically, at the beginning, because when I was first cast in the show I was told that I would do two, maybe three episodes. But I ended up staying on the show for three seasons. So how miraculous is that? So I'm very thankful for that," he said.

"And when I get the phone call, the death call, I call it ... They told me I was going to die and I was looking forward to reading the script. When I read it I was thankful that he would go out heroically. So it made me feel really appreciated," said Singleton.

While Lori was drawn from the comics, T-Dog was a creation for the Walking Dead TV series.
"I think it was very liberating, because as an actor you start with a clean slate and there's nothing more liberating about starting with something that is not written. So you pretty much create the history of that character; you create that character's rigor, meaning that character's life story," he said.

"So whatever you do, whatever you come up with, whatever you decide on, we can go with it, and if the director or if the execs like it, then you'll stick with it. So that's a good thing, as opposed to having something that's already written, that's paired down with who your character is. Then you're kind of sticking in a sense, to a certain extent," said Singleton.