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Friday, February 22, 2013

My interview with Mark Teems. He played a featured walker on The Walking Dead

Hi all. last month while on facebook I found out about Mark Teems. He is a retired police officer who has had a chance to appear on The Walking Dead as a walker. I reached out to him for an interview about his experiences as a walker and he happily responded. Here is my interview with Mark Teems BKA "Featured Walker". TDWS refers to this blog, The Dead War Series.

TDWS: Before we get into how you became a walker tell us a little bit about yourself?

Mark Teems: I am a Police Officer. I have 2 grown children. I live an uneventful life.

TDWS: How did the opportunity to be on TWD come about?

Mark Teems: I was in the Atlanta Journal newspaper for losing 140 lbs in 8 months. The article was seen by Extras Casting Atlanta. They contacted me about being a zombie.

TDWS: Do you remember what you thought when they told you that you had been selected?

Mark Teems: I was thrilled. The Walking Dead was and still is my favorite show.

TDWS: How long did you have to spend in makeup and what was it like? Did it take long to remove the walker look?

Mark Teems: I was a “featured” walker, so I got more makeup. It took about 1 hour to apply the makeup, and 45 minutes to remove most of it. I was still finding makeup for several days after.

TDWS: What kind of instructions were you given as far as it pertains to playing a walker?

Mark Teems: We were told to “shamble” (like Romero’s zombies). At times we were told to shamble faster.

TDWS: You were on the show more than once. Can you tell us the exact episodes and if you will be back?

Mark Teems: Yes. I was in season 2, episodes 3 & 13. I would love to return in season 4.

Did you get to interact with any of the actors? How were they and the crew?

Mark Teems: The “walkers” stayed together mostly. We had to eat in separate areas from the cast and crew. We were pretty gross. I actually got to sit down and talk to IronE Singleton. He is a great guy. Very down to earth.

TDWS: What's it like on set?

Mark Teems: Episode 3 was extremely HOT. We were in a High School in Newnan. GA in July. Episode 13 was in Late November so it was COLD. The zombies were trying to get close to the burning barn for warmth.

TDWS: What is Mark teems looking to do in the future?

Mark Teems: I would love to get into next seasons TWD. I do some comic conventions.

TDWS: Where can people learn more about you and contact you?

Mark Teems: I have a Facebook fan page. Other than that, I’m under the radar.

Well that's it for our interview. I hope you enjoyed and much thanks to Mr. Teems for doing the interview.

George L. Cook III The Dead War Series.