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Friday, January 10, 2014

Zombie Book Faceoff! The Remaining VS Colony Z: The Island

Hi welcome to Zombie Book Faceoff where you get to pick which zombie themed book you would prefer to read based solely on its blurb. This weeks contestants: The Remaining vs Colony Z: The Island

The Remaining by D.J. Molles:

In a steel-and-lead-encased bunker 20 feet below the basement level of his house, a soldier waits for his final orders. On the surface, a plague ravages the planet, infecting over 90% of the populace. The bacterium burrows through the brain, destroying all signs of humanity and leaving behind little more than base, prehistoric instincts. The infected turn into hyper-aggressive predators, with an insatiable desire to kill and feed. Some day soon, the soldier will have to open the hatch to his bunker, and step out into this new wasteland, to complete his mission: SUBVENIRE REFECTUS.

Colony Z: The Island (Vol. 1)by Luke Shephard

When the Undead have taken over America, one group of survivors find safety by escaping to a remote, unsettled island.

There they work to rebuild society, while trying to survive whatever it is that is after them.

Alone and isolated, their relative peace and safety is shattered when a group of Others shows up on their island and their leaders must make life-altering choices in the blink of an eye.

This is only the beginning. This is their story.

Check Out both books on Amazon