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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Walking Dead spinoff still has no definite plot, admits AMC exec

[ SOURCE ] A planned Walking Dead spinoff show is still "in the incubation stages".

AMC's programming head Joel Stillerman told Vulture that Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman is yet to decide on a specific narrative for the show.

"Robert has some things on his plate," he explained. "He continues to write every issue of the comic and hasn't finished season four of The Walking Dead, which he is very intimately involved with and will continue to be."

Stillerman added that AMC and Kirkman had "kicked around a few ideas" in terms of the new show's content.

"What is going on [now] is a more philosophical discussion over why there should be another version of the show," he said. "Once we answer that, we'll zero in on the specific creative."