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Thursday, April 24, 2014

How you can watch Pro Wrestlers vs Zombies

I'm sure by now you have all heard about the movie Pro Wrestlers VS Zombies. The movie has been released and many would like to know how they can see it. Why wouldn't people want to see it with a synopsis like this:

Roddy Piper, Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Shane Douglas are lead into a prison for a private show, but things are not what they seem. Angus, a man bent on revenge against Douglas, has tricked them into a death trap, a prison full of Zombies. But zombies have NEVER met the likes of Rowdy Roddy Piper and Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

I reached out to to the movies Facebook page and received the following answer.

The DVD can be purchased online at

Autographed Limited Edition Pro Wrestlers vs. Zombies DVD and Soundtrack

The movie will also be available on Netflix.( As of 04/24/2014 it is not yet available )

There may be a chance of a future theatrical release. I will update you with that information as soon as it comes available.

The DVD is available for $20 on Amazon

Check out the trailer: