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Friday, July 11, 2014

Do the Emmys hate The Walking Dead?

I like many fans of AMCs The Walking Dead have grown used to the Television Academy ( Academy? Isn't that like a janitor calling themselves a custodial engineer? ) snubbing the show save for a few special effects or technical nominations.

This year was no different. The Walking Dead was only nominated in two categories, Outstanding Special and Visual Effects and Outstanding Sound Editing.

I would like to call bullsh*t on the Television Academy not nominating any actors from the Walking Dead this year for an Emmy. One in particular stands out, Melissa McBride.

Anyone who has actually watched season 4 of The Walking Dead knows that at the very least Melissa McBride should have been nominated for her performance in episode 14, "The Grove". To me that was the best performance by a series regular ever. I stress regular because in Season 3 episode 12 Morgan Jones' performance in "Clear" was outstanding and the best in the entire series run so far.

I am seriously wondering why the Television Academy could snub McBride that way. I believe there are two factors hurting the actors in The Walking Dead. One being the fact that it is what could be called a genre show and most snooty Television Academy voters have never actually watched it. God forbid they watch something with zombies in it. You can't blame AMC for this one either as they made a concerted effort to push their actors this Emmy season.

The other being jealousy over the ratings success of the show. I can't think of any other sane reasons why the show is constantly snubbed in the acting categories the way it is.

McBride gave a performance that was at the very least worthy of an Emmy nomination. I guess she like most actors on the show will have to settle for a Saturn Awards nomination and that is a damn shame.

George Cook, The Dead War Zombie Series.