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Friday, September 4, 2015

Coming soon: The Walking Dead beer?

A small brewery is releasing a Walking Dead Beer in October. Now I'm not touching it because this could be how the zombie apocalypse starts. You know, with friends sharing brews during a football game before being transformed into the living dead by said brew.

Press Release: Terrapin Beer Co. has partnered with Skybound Entertainment, the company founded by The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman, to create the official beer of the undead. Whether you’re animated or reanimated, The Walking Dead Blood Orange IPA will put a shuffle in your step.

The Walking Dead comic book series, which was created by Robert Kirkman, debuted in 2003 and is the inspiration behind the wildly-popular TV series of the same name that premiered in 2010.

The partnership with Terrapin came naturally, as both the comic and the TV show have strong ties to Georgia. Much of the comic book is based in the state and the TV show is filmed in Senoia, a small town just outside of Atlanta. Further strengthening the local bond between the Walking Dead story and Terrapin is that the brewery’s beers have been featured in multiple episodes of the TV show since Season 2. Like many folks out there, Terrapin is a big fan of The Walking Dead and is excited to be part of this collaborative project.

From the label:

Terrapin Beer Company and The Walking Dead have teamed up to brew the official beer of the undead. Made with blood orange peel, and a horrific amount of hops, this bloodthirsty Red IPA will have you prepared for the upcoming Zombie Apocalypse.

The Walking Dead Blood Orange IPA will be available in 22 oz. bottles throughout Terrapin’s full distribution footprint. Look for these bombers to drop on October 5! [SOURCE]