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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Bite-Sized Offerings: Tales & Legends of the Zombie Apocalypse

Checkout this new zombie read featuring short stories by many well known zombie authors , Bite-Sized Offerings: Tales & Legends of the Zombie Apocalypse

Stories. They are the building blocks of our lives. They are our memories. They are how we come to know our history. They are our escapism and entertainment. Some fact, some fiction, and some are a clever little mix. These stories… these stories are fiction. Short and scary. Delivered to you in small, terrifying bursts, much the way you'd experience each individual room in a haunted house attraction. They were specifically written to be enjoyed by both the not-too-young and old alike. Inside, you'll see some names you know and some names you don't. You'll find horror, drama, and even a few laughs... and zombies. Zombies by the ton. Gnawing, gnashing, stumbling, and staring... Right. At. You. Waiting... for a bite-sized offering. Enjoy!

The authors & other contributors to this book: Ted Nulty, W.J. Lundy, Brian Parker, A.R. Shaw, Michael Robertson, John Gregory Hancock, William Allen, Shawn Chesser, Armand Rosamilia, Heath Stallcup, Saul Tanpepper, Jack Wallen, Michelle Bryan, P Mark DeBryan, S.G. Lee, James Dean, Shannon Walters, Shaun Phelps, Joseph Cautilli & Marisha Cautilli, Edward P. Cardillo, Adrianne Lemke, J. Rudolph, Mike Evans, Veronica Smith, Toni L.H. Boughton, H.J. Harry, Jeffrey Clare, T.W. Piperbrook, Chris Bostic, Rich Baker, Cedric Nye, Greg P. Ferrell, Allen Gamboa, Lori Fontanez, Andrew Kish, E.S. Oakes, André Vazquez Jr. (Cover Artist), Mysti Holsinger Stitt (Proofreader), Sara Jones (Editor)