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Sunday, October 25, 2015

'The Walking Dead' Season 6 to feature 90-minute episode centered on Morgan

Fans have been long anticipating a flashback episode centered on Morgan, explaining where the character has been over the past few seasons and how he developed his impressive bo-staff skills.

It now appears that episode will be 90 minutes long, according to actor Lennie James' recent interview with

"It's almost like a standalone film, and I believe it's going to be shown as a 90-minute special," James told the site. "It's going to be an intense ride. It's very much going to be in keeping with the mythology of 'The Walking Dead.' But is a very different kind of episode. Hopefully it's one that the fans will like."

Internet blogs have suggested that episode isn't far off and will, in fact, be episode 4 of Season 6, which airs next Sunday, Nov. 1. The episode is titled "Here's Not Here" with a vague synopsis: "A new face appears; trust issues form."

Based on the synopsis, some have speculated the episode will feature the introduction of Paul "Jesus" Monroe or Negan. But it's now clear the episode will be all about Morgan.