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Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Dead War Series at Walker Stalker Con NY/NJ

Hi all, this is George Cook author of the Dead War Zombie Series. Last night the wife (who does not understand my infatuation with The Walking Dead or zombies) gave me an early Christmas present by buying me tickets to the first day of the Walker Stalker Con (Walking Dead Convention) in Seacuacus NJ. I just wanted to share a few pics and videos of our fun experience there and some of the very nice people we met.

After parking our car we were greeted by the site of a Walking Dead bus!

Once inside we immediately met Herschel! Okay we met the actor Scott Wilson who was a very nice guy. A little huggy with the wife and I imagined cutting his head off, LOL. But seriously though, he could sense that my wife couldn't quite get into the Walking Dead/ Zombie thing as was trying to make her feel at ease. As I stated earlier he's a real nice guy.

Minutes later we were able to meet Merle AKA Michael Rooker who is also a very nice guy. Nothing like the asshole character he played on The Walking Dead.

We then were able to meet one of my all time favorite characters from The Walking Dead TV show, T-Dog (IronESingleton)! This just might be one of the nicest PEOPLE I have ever met. There were two lines for people with general admission and for others with VIP passes and he treated everyone the same. He spent equal amounts of time with everyone and was actually interested in the fans and loved taking pictures. This guy loves to hug EVERYBODY! He almost broke my neck but it was all love. LOL. he shared some plans with me on some music he is working on so I wish him luck. I wonder if he will b e allowed to use the T-Dog name.

Later we sat and listened to Lincoln A. Castellanos, the actor that plays Tobias on Fear the Walking Dead during a Q & A session. Sorry no pics or video of this as I was to busy explaining to the wife who Tobias was and that there are two The Walking Dead TV shows. But he is a very funny young man and was very coy about the future of Tobias on Fear the Walking Dead.



We then walked the convention floor checking out what the vendors were selling. This is where I decided to zombify myself much to the bemusement of my wife. The guys at the Zombie Photo Booth ( made my photo into a very convincing zombie. I have actually incorporated there work into a new ad for my book.

After that it was almost closing time so the wife and I decided to beat the crowds out the door so that we could avoid the traffic but WE had a great time. She eventually loosened up and although she is loathe to admit it she enjoyed herself at Walker Stalker Con.

Can't wait until next year!

George L. Cook III, author of The Dead War Series