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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What's worse? Being black on The Walking Dead or wearing a red shirt on Star Trek?

If you have watched The Walking Dead you know that it ain't easy being African american and staying alive in a post apocalyptic world. In Three seasons we have lost Jacqui ( Season One ), T-Dog, Duanne, and Oscar. ( all in season three ). We still have Michonne, Tyrese, and Morgan ( but he's bat shit crazy ) and the quiet guy with the crossbow who is with the Governor. But then again they were all introduced in season three and T Dog and Oscar had to go to make room I guess. But we still have three episodes left in season three so there's still time for someone to die.

This got me to wondering. What do you think is safer? Being black on The Walking Dead or wearing a red shirt on Star Trek. What do you think?