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Sunday, November 24, 2013

New Film: "Cowboy Zombies"

Check out this new trailer for the movie Cowboy Zombies. The title pretty much describes the movie and if you can get past the horrible acting it looks like it might be fun to watch.

In the Old West, on an ordinary day, the sun rises as usual and people go about their daily business. On this particular day, the dead (with an appetite for human flesh) also rise, and the day becomes a fight for survival in this action horror film from Director Paul Winters. It's the Arizona Territory, 1870's, and Marshal Frank Wilcox, along with a Buffalo Soldier from the U.S. Army, will galvanize a group of disparate survivors to fight back against the living dead. It's a world gone mad that the Marshal discovers in the town of Crumpit, as a disparate group of characters are doing battle against the unthinkable. Joined by an Apache Chief and the Marshal's outlaw prisoner, the group must learn how to survive in a time where the dead walk. Helping to lead the fight is Preacher Black, a half mad preacher and the towns only doctor, and Roseann, the proprietor of the Double Peach Saloon where the group is hunkered down. COWBOY ZOMBIES is a classic western...with zombies! - See more at: