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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Will there be another Dead War Series book?

Hey all, George Cook here.

After the ending of The Dead War Series Book Three: War I have been asked whether the series will continue.

The answer is yes. Yes there will be another Dead War Series book. There are still many battles against the dead and the "others" ( don't want to give away spoilers to anyone who has not read the trilogy ) to be fought. There are still stories to be told about the Peacemaker Platoon and their war with the "others".

I have been busy running for re-election for my board of education seat. I'm proud to say that On Nov 5 2013 I was re-elected for another three years and now I can get back to my writing. The story is all laid out it's just a matter of my lazy ass getting to work. I have already started a prequel and another series of short stories. So just bare with me and in a few months time there will be more of The Dead War Series than you can handle.

Thanks to all of you that have supported the Dead War Series I really appreciate it.

George Cook author of The Dead War Trilogy.