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Saturday, February 15, 2014

What's Next for Zombie Video Games?

So are games where the presence of zombies is the defining feature are, pardon the phrasing, dead? Not exactly. Cavender says that Telltale Games' adaptation of The Walking Dead, a 2012 Game of the Year winner at Spike's Video Game Awards, remains popular.

That game "kind of changed the way we want to see a story told and it hit a lot of people in a lot of ways," he says, referring to the game's unusual mechanics. Telltale's The Walking Dead isn't a shooter so much as a third-person graphic adventure where choices (rather than a controller) determine outcomes.

The first-person zombie thriller Dying Light releases this year, and could bring back the "zombie shooter." Source: Techland.

Fortunately, The Walking Dead isn't the only option for those who just want to destroy zombies. Cavender also cites Outlast, Left for Dead 2, and Dead Rising 3 for Xbox One as existing titles that deliver for fans of the genre. Yet all three might pale compared to a new Techland game called Dying Light.

Read more here: What's Next for Zombie Video Games?