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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Zombie Book Faceoff: Fast Walkers: Outbreak vs The Becoming

Hi welcome to Zombie Book Faceoff where you get to pick which zombie themed book you would prefer to read based solely on its blurb. This weeks contestants: Fast Walkers vs The Becoming


It's a party in New Orleans - and the dead are invited!

Five teens are out joyriding on a cold, December night, partying and getting high without a care in the world. Little do they know that dire events have been set into motion that will ultimately spell doom for them and their entire families. As the dead walk, and Louisiana's streets descend into madness, the teens will uncover a deadly plot by the United States Government that will blow the roof right off society!


The Michaluk Virus is loose.

In the heart of Atlanta, Georgia, the Michaluk Virus has escaped the CDC, and its effects are widespread and devastating. Most of the population of the southeastern United States have become homicidal cannibals. As society rapidly crumbles under the hordes of infected, three people—Ethan Bennett, a Memphis police officer; Cade Alton, his best friend and former IDF sharpshooter; and Brandt Evans, a lieutenant in the US Marines—band together against the oncoming crush of death and terror sweeping across the world.

As Cade, Brandt, and Ethan hole up in a safe house in Tupelo, others begin to join them in their bid for survival. When the infected attack and they’re forced to flee, one departs to Memphis in search of answers while the others escape south to Biloxi, where they encounter more danger than they bargained for. And in Memphis, the answers that one man finds are the last answers he wanted, answers that herald a horrific possibility that there may be more to this virus than first suspected.

Ok guys so based on the blurbs which book would you buy?