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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Are zombies overexposed right now?

Every where you look right now there are zombies. Zombie movies, TV shows, commercials, comic books, and of course books/ebooks seem to have taken over in popular culture right now.

Of course most of this is driven by the phenomenal success of AMC's The Walking Dead. Of course The Walking Dead comics are hugely successful and that's not to mention the success of The Extinction Parade by Max Brooks or George A. Romero's Empire of the Dead when it comes to comic books.

There will be a sequel to World War Z and there will be a Pride , Prejudice, & Zombies movie

But just because that show and movies like World War Z have been successful doesn't mean that we might be reaching the over saturation point with zombies. If you do a search for zombie books on Amazon right now there are 9,055 results at the moment I am writing this post.

TV shows such as the BBC's In the Flesh have already joined the market and shows such as Helix have zombie elements. ( Okay the infected elements ) NBC is set to produce Babylon Fields a series that started out seven years ago as an CBS project.

If you have Netflix or check out YouTube you are already aware of the thousands of zombie movies out there and trust me there are thousands more to come.

This leads me to ponder just how much zombie themed entertainment can the market bare. Are we reaching the point of over saturation. Even hardcore zombie fans most be wondering the same thing.

So what do you think? Are zombies overexposed right now?