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Friday, January 1, 2016

New Years Eve Zombie Books

There's a zombie story for every occasion and New Years Eve/Day is no exception. Check out these two titles I found that feature your favorite flesh eaters celebrating the New Year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

New Year's Eve of the Zombies by Robert DeCoteau

Eugene Holiday and Amir Goldstein are back in action in this sequel to Silent Night of the Living Dead. The two awkward young men are faced with finding a permanent shelter for their growing band of survivors. But not everyone has the same goals. The two soon find they are in over their heads once again and they have more to fear than zombies.


A Zombie New Year's Eve ny Anthony Renfro

This short story is about Becky and Joe who are separated in a Zombie Apocalypse and risk life and limb in order to reunite for their New Year's Eve kiss.