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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

New Zombie book: Wave of Mutilation by Sean E. Britten

Jules and Tony are two Mafia soldiers looking to make a name for themselves with their first hit. The assassination goes off without a hitch, until their target gets back up with twenty bullets in his chest and a taste for human flesh.

Cyndi Hong has no idea how much the world has changed when she leaves her Manhattan apartment, then she runs into a feasting gang of undead cannibals on her morning commute. Anybody who dies rises as a zombie, endlessly hungry for living flesh, and anybody they bite, dies. Soon, hundreds of thousands of single-minded ghouls are teeming in and around New York. The military are failing to contain the situation and there’s nowhere safe to run. Escaping from the city, Cyndi meets Jules and Tony and takes refuge in the home of their employer, the ruthless mob boss Nicholas Marcello. Before long Cyndi and the others are looking for a safe place, any safe place. They take to the open ocean, finding new threats and new allies. Following the only beacon of hope that they have Cyndi and the others find themselves among a new community, but when people start to disappear it becomes apparent that not everything is as it appears. Surrounded by predators both living and dead, Russian sex-traffickers, psychotic soldiers and waves upon waves of zombies, they’ll find themselves doing whatever it takes to survive.