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Thursday, January 7, 2016

ARIOCH: The Demon of Vengeance is Here

Dead War Series author George Cook would like to introduce to his latest work, ARIOCH: Demon of Vengeance. A horror short story filled with gore, humor, and maybe a surprise or two.

SYNOPSIS: A story that mixes current real life events occurring in America with a heavy dose of horror. When an innocent man is murdered in a small backwoods town an unspeakable evil is released upon those who killed him.

Review Excerpts:

Don't expect flowery or polite prose from Arioch; this is no surreal supernatural tale. Arioch is grounded in realism...Shady Grimm

The plot was interesting, fast paced and accentuated with a wicked twist at the end...Myra

I love how the author creates twists and turns to keep the reader interested until the end...Kat.