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Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Dead War Zombie Series 2 for 1 zombie book sale!

Get both Dead War Zombie Books 1 and 2 in one volume for 99¢! No gimmicks and no codes needed. The book is also available free to Kindle Unlimited members.

These are the stories of some of those men and women that fought back.

These are the stories of some trying to find a cure.

These are the stories of those that are just trying to survive the nightmare of the walking dead.

These are the stories of those that caused The Dead War

This is The Dead War Zombie Series.

The Dead War Zombie Series Book 1: Survive The Night

Hardcore zombie action meets sci-fi in an all out fight for the survival of mankind!

In the year 2053 the dead will rise. So will a new hero. Our technology and intelligence failed us when the dead walked. Now one man, Sgt. Richards is our last hope!

One a lone soldier must survive the night and fight his way through a city filled with the walking dead. He must do so to deliver a message to Army HQ that could save mankind and he just may be our only hope to win The Dead War.

The Dead War Zombie Series Book 2: ABOMINATION

The walking dead can't run. The U.S. Army wont!

Check out the second action packed and blood soaked chapter of The Dead War Zombie Series.

The battle against the dead continues. Sergeant Richards, Sergeant Jackson, Delice, Duncan, Blake and the living dead are all back. New friends and even stronger enemies emerge as the battle rages. Surprises galore as it's revealed who released the Beserker Virus and why.